
Friday, July 30, 2010

Missing Newf - Quebec

Missing Newf named Phoebe

Big black Newfoundland with long fur and tattoo in left ear # UMI 13U - Ottawa
registration on tags. Please contact with any information either by phone
or e-mail. Missing since the afternoon of Monday, July 26th from yard in
Baie D'Urfé, last seen near Highway 20.

Phoebe was staying with a family friend while her family was away on vacation. Please help reunite her with her family!

If you have any information please contact Jody Cundy at: (514) 608-3245
or Patricia Coffey 613-475-0044

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Celtic's owners have been located! They were on vacation and someone else was caring for him when the old boy was lost.

Barney - breed unknown. Giant Schnauzer/Bearded Collie/Newf mix?????

Found in the Lindsay area by a Newf Friends volunteer, Barney was running in traffic on highway 35 in a bad rain storm.

Lucky to be alive, Barney is now safe in the care of a Newf Friends foster home while we search for his family.

Local vets/shelters/pet food stores/etc have been notified, and sadly so far no owner has come forward.

Barney's age is unknown - teeth are good but his body condition is poor, extremely overweight/poor coat (hypothyroid?) and gray mustache/eyebrows, possibly a mature dog?

He is being held for 5 working days to try to find his owner, then will be brought under Newf Friends care if nobody has claimed him, and he will be vetted/assessed, and looking for a forever home.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Update - July 9, 2010

Lucky boy Toby was adopted earlier this week and is living the good life that all Newfs dream of. Congrats Toby and family!

Arriving today is Jethro. This boy will have his health needs attended to, and will be assessed in foster care before being placed for adoption. Details will be posted in coming weeks.

No, they aren't Newfs, but Sophie and Tasha have touched the hearts of many Newf Friends supporters and have become permanent "sanctuary care" fosters in their Newf-filled foster home. An update on their progress can be read on our parent group HART's blog.

NewfStock is rapidly approaching! Just over 2 months to go! Have you booked your hotel room yet? Visit for all of the details -- the rooms will only be held a short while longer!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day

A reminder passed along from C4P ANIMAL RESCUE:

Please remember tonight's the night animals tend to bolt through doors, over fences, out windows, and run home from no leash parks, in reaction to fireworks.

10,000 pets go missing each year in Toronto alone - only 60% ever make it home.

Please, set your pet up for success, and do all you can to secure your cherished family members tonight, especially new adoptees/rescues.

And please take a moment to remind your friends on Facebook, through Twitter, and/or call your local media outlets and ask them to remind the public.

It truly is a bad night for animals running scared.