
Monday, December 6, 2010

Update - December 6, 2010

Our Online Store has been a huge success. Thank you everyone for your orders. All product is back in stock, including the hugely popular drool towels with our custom design! Place your order today, there's still time to ship before Christmas!

Monsieur Plume (aka Jake) is doing well and will be neutered today, then moved to a foster location west of Toronto. His assessment so far is very good, he is a sweet boy who gets along well with other dogs. More information will be available later in the week.

Here's Jake pictured with Delphine, the Landseer, who is recovering nicely from her spay and entropion surgery. This lucky girl has a home approved and waiting for her, and as soon as she has healed from her surgery she will be joining her new family. Congratulations Delphine!

More good news, Maverick joined his new family yesterday. This handsome love-bug found a great home where he will be getting lots of loving. Congratulations big guy!

Beautiful Anna continues to make great progress in her foster home, and is hoping to join a new family very soon. We are in the final stages of screening a potential home, so we all have our paws crossed!

Lovely Mackenzie is living the good life in foster care and is doing great. Her cherry eye surgery and spay surgery will be done early in the new year. She will be enjoying the holiday season visiting with friends and will spend Christmas with a big pack of dogs.

All of the dogs in foster care both with Newf Friends and in our parent group HART's all breed foster program will have special gifts under the Christmas tree this year. Details about our generous donor will be posted in coming days.