
Monday, April 30, 2012

Adopter Update - Inti

A wonderful update from senior lovebug Inti, who was adopted in February 2012. When he  came to the rescue his coat had to be completely shaved due to extreme matting. Look at him now... his big, fluffy coat is growing in beautifully and he's doing GREAT!

Enjoying a toodle around the yard
Relaxing, waiting for pets
Hanging out with his "siblings"

OK, I have pictures of Inti.  YEAHHHHH.  Finally.  He is such a sweetheart and I love him so much.  I was able to get pictures of him walking around outside.  In a couple of them Inti was wanting to help BBQ some hotdogs!!!  


"Any hotdogs for me??"
The other dogs in the pictures are Emily, the Border Collie mix, and Betty the poodle.  Everyone gets along great.  We had a birthday party for Inti April 3rd, his 10th, and all the family celebrated.  

I hope you are doing well.  Inti sends his love and I will send more pictures on a regular basis.

Love to all,

Darling Inti gets along with all the other dogs & cats at his new home