
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Adopter Update: Tycho

chillax'n on my pad
We received this message from Tycho's new family just a few days after his Easter weekend adoption:

Tycho Candy is doing GREAT!!!!  He is adjusting well to his new home, and is the most loving slobber-chops ever.  He's enjoying his new family and getting to know his new neighbourhood through several long walks per day.  We are all so happy together, and although he looks at other dogs as we walk-by (and would run toward them if given half a chance) he never growls or barks nor makes a fuss.  Tycho is perfect in the house, with excellent manners... and we're teaching him a few new ones too - eager and learning quickly.  Thank you from Tycho and his humans for making our perfect match "made in heaven" this Easter.  We will send a couple of photos after Tycho's first visit to the groomer on Tuesday.

ah ya, that's the spot

Mr. Slobber Chops goes for a walk

And a few weeks later, another update:

Tycho is wonderful...grooming, well that was just going to be too stressful for him so I did it myself - great bonding time

look'n cute in daddy's music room
Ty is a quick learner, he has excellent table manners when we are eating, waits politely for his food and only begins to eat when we tell him to take it, sits when requested for leashing, treats, fact he's knows how to "leave it" for things he is not to have and applies it to squirrels, cats, and now dogs.  Teaching him to play was hysterical - killing ourselves laughing; sad to think that he never knew what playing was before coming home with us.  Suffice it to say we now have a fifth for Frisbee.  This week Ty has been working really hard on manners when strangers come to the door - today he stopped barking, backed up, sat down and stayed while I opened the door to let our guest in and then waited until our guest engaged him in a  body rub...tail a wagg'n.  We are very proud of our big, slobbery, cuddly, furry love muffin - he is a treat to train.

happy at home with my peeps
what?...  you found me already?

We've been using the "loved dog" method: 30 Days To A Well-Mannered Dog by Tamar Geller - if you can get past the celebrity name dropping, it's actually a good book and have found it to be spot on; we are achieving terrific results with it.

Tycho has adjusted well, settled into home life/routine beautifully, and is developing more confidence.  I've attached some photos we've taken of Tycho this week.  He is so loved!  Thanks again for helping us find the love of our lives.

Cheers and woof from the Candy Family

Editor's note: This update is particularly thrilling for us because Tycho came to Newf Friends in terrible condition in September 2011 and was in foster care for many, many months healing both physically and emotionally. To see him now with a loving family is amazing and reminds us all why our rescue exists. Read his rescue story here.