
Friday, April 6, 2012


# 3699
May 10: I was adopted!

Hello Newf lovers, my name is Dakota and I'm a beautiful girl with lots of love to give!

I'm getting settled in my foster home and meeting lots of new people and dogs. It's been a busy couple of days! I was a little shy around strangers (men mostly) but my foster mom is taking good care of me and helping me feel safe. I'm really coming out of my shell already! It's fun at my foster home and I get to go to work with my foster mom! How cool is that!

I was born December 12, 2009 so I'm just over 2 years old and I'm super pretty and super sweet. My foster mom tells me I need to brush up on some basic commands so she's working on teaching me all sorts of things. I like to be the boss, but my foster mom says that's not allowed, so I am learning all about being a good girl. Lucky me!

My brother Dozer and I came from a family who loved us a lot, but due to some unfortunate changes in their life, they knew they couldn't keep us. They were sad, but they knew we'd be better off if the Newf Friends folks found us homes where we could get everything we need.

This is me and Dozer playing!
I am getting along well with the other dogs in my foster home and I love to romp and play. I'd be happy to find a home where I will have another playmate! If you adopted me and Dozer together that would be awesome, but the Newf Friends people know it's hard to find a home for 2 Newfs together. I am ok with cats too, although I needed to be reminded not to chase. Woops!

I grew up with children in my previous home, and I am sweet with the girl in my foster home but sometimes I do get a little excited when she's playing on the swing. Apparently I'm not supposed to do that, so my foster mom is helping me with that. I could join a family where there are some older, well mannered children.

I've had all of my shots, and once my bladder infection clears up I will be spayed, assuming I am not pregnant (I was living with an intact male and I may have already been in heat). If I come into heat before then my spay will be delayed by several weeks, until it is safe for me to have surgery. Once that is done I will be ready to join a new family and start my new life!

Applications for adopting me can be submitted now, and the rescue people will start interviews once I have my spay scheduled.

I'm being fostered in Havelock, ON and my new family will be required to pick me up in person. An adoption donation of $500 applies.