
Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Fundraiser!

A big THANK YOU to Rev. Jeff and his awesome wife Sandy who hosted a fabulous fundraiser at Dunbarton Fairport United Church in Pickering. The afternoon was a huge success with lots of Newfs in attendance, photos with the Easter Bunny (Rev. Jeff!) and Newf drawn cart rides.

An adorable 16 week old Newf pup hanging out with the Easter bunny! Everyone say awwwwww.

Yep, that's a chicken!

Handsome Gander Bear giving cart rides! Thank you Peter for bringing your sweet boy out to the event!

Do you recognize the gal on the left? That's Boots (aka Beatrice) adopted from Newf Friends a few months ago! Check out how terrific she looks!

A huge thank you goes out to the volunteers who pulled this event together: Sandy, Jeff, Joseph, Peter, Joel, Jane, Patti, Jen, Adrienne, Norm and Colin. You guys are great!
Taking a break in the shade.

Newf shaped Rice Krispie treats!