
Friday, December 7, 2012



January 3, 2013: Ashes has been adopted!

Hey everyone, my name is Ashes and I'm a pretty gal who just arrived at Newf Friends on December 6, 2012. Kinda' adorable, right?

I was born October 7, 2007 so I'm 5 years young and have many years of love to give!  I am affectionate and I really like hanging out with people and getting snuggles. Check me out in the video below getting some awesome chest scritches. Can you say "heaven"? I sure can! I LOVE to give kisses too. I will wash your face like it's never been washed before... clean as a whistle!

I love swimming, belly rubs, and playing fetch. I walk really nicely on my leash with my gentle leader on; no pulling at all. I am not an active dog but I do need to lose a few pounds so I've been doing a lot more walking. I enjoy it and my foster parents do too so I guess we'll be taking the heel-toe express quite a bit over the next while. I don't react when I see other dogs in the distance on my walks, I basically ignore them. If they come too close to me (like right in my face) I get nervous and don't know what to do. Sometimes I hide behind my person, sometimes I give the other dog the "evil eye", sometimes I growl because I'm anxious and don't know what else to do. All I need is someone to teach me that other dogs coming near me is ok, not scary, that all I have to do is sniff and move on. This is a lot for a girl to take in so my foster parents and I are taking it slow and steady, they say that wins the race... I hope so!

I am spayed, my vaccines are current and I'm in good health.  I did suffer a knee injury when I was younger but that's been fixed up. 

I lived in a family with another male Newf and we got along well but sometimes the two of us would get each other wound up and we would chase other dogs and misbehave.  Our family tried to work with us, but it was decided that we'd be better off being separated.  So here I am, at Newf Friends and they  tell me they are going to help me be a good girl, which sounds great!

I'm being fostered in the Orangeville area, my adoptive family will need to pick me up in person.  An adoption donation of $500 applies.