
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Adopter Update: Barney

Hi - I saw all of the adopter updates on the Newf Friends Facebook  page and I just wanted to send you a quick update and a recent photo of  Barney in his favourite pose. Doesn't he looked relaxed?

We are so fortunate to have found Barney (and Erica). Barney became a part of our family instantly and is so loved by all of us. We hope that we give him what he needs because he gives to us each and every day in his own special Newf way.

A few more pics for your reading and viewing pleasure....

Barney decided that this mattress was adequate cushioning for the back of the car. He napped there for a couple of hours.

I need a boost...

Christmas 2013

Life at the cottage....

Thanks for all you do, Kind regards, Sandra