
Friday, January 30, 2015

Adopter Update: Cash

It has been a year since Cash walked in my door and became a "foster
failure". I have not regretted one minute of having him in my life.
He and Calder (my 3 yr old yellow lab) constantly amuse and delight
all they meet.  Cash has a gentle spirit but also seems to have an
acute sense of humour.  I'm not sure how he manages to smile and roll
his eyes at the same time when he thinks I'm being too silly.  He can
be an elderly statesman one minute, and then in the next a carefree
He has taught me a great deal...not to stress the small stuff (like
giant clumps of black fur), and that this gentle giant of a dog has
the capabilty of expanding one's heart.    He has left a very big
footprint in my life.
Bravo to Newf Rescue.  Thank-you for all you do.....
Carol Jeffrey and Cash