
Friday, December 21, 2012

Adopter Update:Maggie


I just wanted to update New Friends on how Maggie is doing.

She continues to bring a lot of love to our family!  Maggie and Cash (her brother) have bonded so well.  She has perked up quite a bit and has quite a bit of energy!  Especially when it comes to playing with Cash.  It turns out she loves the water.  Whenever we would walk by the lake in the summer she would head right in! :)  We did some camping trips which included hiking and swimming of course! :)  She doesn't really swim but wades in as far as she can go!  Oh so much fun! :)  We also went to Winter Woofstock where she was oh so fabulous and seemed to love the attention she was given.  For Christmas we decided to have pictures taken with Santa with the Durham Region Humane Society.  Santa was a bit scary for Maggie at first but warmed up with time.  Men can be intimidating for her.  Especially in a Santa suit!
We truly love her so much and are blessed to have her as part of our family!  Cash, agrees! :) :)

I've attached some pictures. :)  We want to wish everyone at Newf Friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Csilla and Eric

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Adopter Update: Mira

Ho, Ho, Ho! 
Sweet gal Mira was adopted last Saturday and is quickly making herself right at home with her new family. 
Here she is visiting with Santa, but we think she's already got the best Christmas present a Newf could want -- a great home! 
Congratulations Mira!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


February 2, 2013: I WAS ADOPTED!

Howdy Newf lovers, I'm Texas, a handsome purebred Newf who is looking for a fantastic
family to come along and adopt me. I'm a pretty good lookin' fellow if I do say so myself!

I need to find a new home because my family found me to be too much for them to handle.  My breeder had taken me back in the summer and sent me for training and everything was going really well, then I moved back in with my family and well.......I guess we just weren't the right match for each other.

Anyhoo, since my breeder could not accommodate me at her place right now, another great breeder offered to foster me while the Newf Friends folks help find me a new family.  They're all working together to find my perfect adoptive family, and hopefully I'll have nothing but great days ahead!

Yep, I'm ridiculous

I was born November 7, 2011 so I am just over a year old and like many young male newfs I am a bit of a monkey doodle.  I arrived at my foster home on November 30, 2012 and they have been 'assessing' me, whatever that means.  They say I'm a good boy and that most of all what I need is exercise, a confident owner and someone to teach me some manners.  They say I can be dominant so I need an owner that isn't going to let me call the shots.  My previous owners just didn't have the skills to meet my needs and because of that I was misbehaving and getting worse and worse.  They weren't happy and I wasn't happy.  Luckily my foster mom knows all about what a big boy like me needs and in her care I am doing great!

I'm learning all sorts of things, like that people don't like it when I put my mouth all over them, and  that I have to behave and do what my foster mom tells me to.  I have lots of things to learn still and the Newf folks say I need to get out and socialize and that I will make lots of progress with the right family.  Because I have quite a bit to learn still I am not suited to a home with kids.

I'm cool with most other dogs that have good social skills.  Right now I'm hanging out with a bunch of other newfs and I get along well with them. I'm learning quickly what I'm not allowed to do!  I'd be happy to join a family with another well mannered large dog for me to play with, provided that my family know how to manage a multi-dog household.  Foster mom says I'm still learning so there shouldn't be any really awesome treats like raw bones laying around.  I used to live with a cat too and I think they're pretty great.

My ideal family will be active people who like to get out and do things -- I do best when I am well exercised.  Swimming, hiking, playing ball, playing with other dogs, I love all of these things!  The more activities I do the better I feel!  If I do not get enough exercise I am not a happy boy!

I am a healthy boy, not too big, weighing around 110 lbs when I arrived at Newf Friends but I need to bulk up they said -- something about not having much muscle.   I wasn't getting enough exercise with my previous family and that made me feel lousy, my feet became splayed and I had sores from not having my nails trimmed and that made me grumpy.  My foster mom is feeding me good food and exercising me and has groomed me and cleaned up my sores and I can feel myself getting stronger and stronger all the time. I feel so much better and I am much happier now!

Foster mom thinks my hips  may not be great based on the way I sit, but I move around well, have no problem running and playing, going up and down stairs and jumping around so nobody is too worried.  Like many newfs, down the road my hips may stiffen up and I will probably need meds for that.  The best defense is lots of exercise and building lots of muscle and I am already well on my way to doing that!  My foster mom has been marveling at how big my muscles are getting!  I'm a growing boy after all!

I am being fostered way up in Northern Ontario in some place called Thunder Bay.  It would be best if my new family was within a days drive so you could pick me up in person.  I'm not sure I'm ready to fly on a plane or be handed off to a bunch of strangers on a transport. 

My adoption donation will be $500 to Newf Friends, and my breeder will be available for advice as well as the Newf Friends folks to help my new family along.   If you think you can give me the home that I'm looking for fill out an application and one of the newf folks will give you a call.  A securely fenced yard is a requirement -- no electric fencing!

Marvin the Fish Stalker - Adopter Update

Hi Everyone:

Well it's almost Christmas, and you'll be happy to know that Marvin has had a great Summer and Fall.

He's such a great guy!!  He still acts goofy, but he listens so well.  He gives it 110% but sometimes he thinks it's 110 km/h running at someone full tilt, or up the stairs to the front door, and he misses all 4 stairs...   He likes a good wrestle with his big boy Braeden, and when Braeden says enough, he knows exactly what he means.

Marv spent most of the summer in the lake.... sitting watching for fish, he blazed his own path and knocked down the pesky rocks so he had an easy entry. He'd sit there for hours.  In late August he was introduced to the Leopard Frogs.... they were fun to chase, and he tore out most of the weeds and lily pads to get to them! (that's a good thing!!!)

When he wasn't in the lake he could be found stalking chipmunks and red squirrels.

He and Lily get along fantastically, she's taught him so much, and actually he acts very much like a Golden now, when anyone comes over they know they have to bring something for Marv and Lil to bring to the house.  He's perfect with the kids that visit, he has to smell them, and they've all been taught just to tell him "off Marvin" and if they need to they give him a shove.  He always listens, and backs off or goes and lies down.

We'd all just like to wish everyone at Newf Friends a very Merry Christmas, and all the Best for 2013.


Marv's Family

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Adopter Update: Newfie Boy

We love these happy endings!  Here's an updated from Newfie Boys new family!

 Hello to all at Newf Friends,

Just a quick update on Newfie, he is doing amazingly well.  His transition has gone very well. We go on walks twice a day and we make frequent trips to the local pet supply store where Newfie enjoys celebrity status! We have started obedience classes and Newfie is excelling, he definitely has therapy dog potential. We are so lucky to have him in our family and he has brought us so much happiness in just the past few weeks!  I am sending a few pictures, we went to see Santa and we celebrated Newfie's 4th birthday this past weekend.

Best regards,
Newfie and family

Friday, December 7, 2012

Update December 7, 2012

Our volunteers have busy, busy, busy!  Here's the latest update.......

Do you have your Newf Friends 2013 calendar yet? There's still time to order one, visit our store today!   Our online store has been updated to include loads of new Christmas merchandise ready to be shipped out in time for the holidays.   Visit our store today!  100% of the proceeds go directly to help Newfs in need.

Beautiful girl Ashes (that's her on the right) arrived in our care yesterday.  This sweet 5 year old girl is looking for a special home to call her own.  Read about her here.

Also new to our foster program is Sullivan, an adorable 20 month old love bug.  If you love goofy pups, he's your guy! Check out his bio here.

Gorgeous 3 year old Mira is doing great!  She has responded to the medication and has been seizure free for several weeks now.  Hooray!  We have a home visit going out for a potential home for Mira.  Fingers crossed it's a good match! Read all about her here.

Sweet senior girl Sheila is doing very well in her foster home.   She had some worrisome lumps and bumps which were surgically removed and we are thrilled to report that they were all benign!  YIPPEE!  Sheila is ready to find a great home.  Maybe yours?   Read about Sheila here.

Love-bug Rupert is doing very well and having a great time romping and playing at his foster home.  He has now been neutered and is ready to find a great family. If you are looking for a playful active companion he'll be right up your alley!    Here's his bio.

Speaking of love-bugs, sweet, sensitive Monty has loads of love to give.  This adorable young landseer is doing very well in his foster home.   He loooves belly rubs and snuggles and has excellent house manners.  He is ready to find his perfect family.  Read about Monty here.

This big teddy bear is Schultz  a fabulous fella' who is ready to join a great family.  Gentle, affectionate, great with other dogs, cats, kids, you name it, this boy is the whole package!   Isn't he just the cutest?  Read more about him in his bio.
Sweet girl Katie needs a home of her own.  She has been waiting much too long!   This adorable girl is looking for a great, cat free family to love.  She really is a wonderful girl, she needs someone to love her!  Read about her here.
Willie is still waiting for the right family to come along.  This 4 year old purebred boy has so much love to give.  Do you have room in your heart for him?  Learn more about Willie Wonka here.

Gorgeous gal Molly is searching for her perfect match!  Molly is sweet, gentle, easy going and gets along with everyone -- an all around awesome gal.  Read all about her here.
We had a home visit go out for her and the family was fantastic, but it wasn't the right fit for Molly.  The good news is we were able to connect the family with the great folks at SCNC and they matched them to a senior girl in their program - we're so pleased about that happy ending!
Kira was adopted!  Congratulations!

Newfie Boy has been adopted too!  Yay!

If you or someone you know is looking for a new canine family member that isn't a Newf, be sure to visit HART, our parent all breed rescue group's PetFinder listings. They've got wonderful dogs of all shapes and sizes, coats and ages who are waiting for great families to adopt them. 



January 3, 2013: Ashes has been adopted!

Hey everyone, my name is Ashes and I'm a pretty gal who just arrived at Newf Friends on December 6, 2012. Kinda' adorable, right?

I was born October 7, 2007 so I'm 5 years young and have many years of love to give!  I am affectionate and I really like hanging out with people and getting snuggles. Check me out in the video below getting some awesome chest scritches. Can you say "heaven"? I sure can! I LOVE to give kisses too. I will wash your face like it's never been washed before... clean as a whistle!

I love swimming, belly rubs, and playing fetch. I walk really nicely on my leash with my gentle leader on; no pulling at all. I am not an active dog but I do need to lose a few pounds so I've been doing a lot more walking. I enjoy it and my foster parents do too so I guess we'll be taking the heel-toe express quite a bit over the next while. I don't react when I see other dogs in the distance on my walks, I basically ignore them. If they come too close to me (like right in my face) I get nervous and don't know what to do. Sometimes I hide behind my person, sometimes I give the other dog the "evil eye", sometimes I growl because I'm anxious and don't know what else to do. All I need is someone to teach me that other dogs coming near me is ok, not scary, that all I have to do is sniff and move on. This is a lot for a girl to take in so my foster parents and I are taking it slow and steady, they say that wins the race... I hope so!

I am spayed, my vaccines are current and I'm in good health.  I did suffer a knee injury when I was younger but that's been fixed up. 

I lived in a family with another male Newf and we got along well but sometimes the two of us would get each other wound up and we would chase other dogs and misbehave.  Our family tried to work with us, but it was decided that we'd be better off being separated.  So here I am, at Newf Friends and they  tell me they are going to help me be a good girl, which sounds great!

I'm being fostered in the Orangeville area, my adoptive family will need to pick me up in person.  An adoption donation of $500 applies.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tycho - Adopter Update Nov 2012

It's been a while since our last update, so we're delighted to report that Tycho is doing great, and the love affair continues.  As you can see from the attached photo he's happy, healthy, and very well loved....ah, the doggie's life.  He has made friends with a pair of Dalmatians around the corner from us and welcomes visitors to our home like long lost family members, sharing his slobber-chop kisses and massive full body hugs - he's so cute and funny!

We would like to wish everyone at Newf Friends a safe, happy and healthy holiday season.  You are always in our thoughts because you have brought the greatest joy to our lives - TYCHO!

Best regards,
the Candy's xowoofxo

PS from editor: Read Tycho's amazing rescue journey here!

Monday, November 26, 2012



January 5, 2013: Sullivan was adopted. YAY!

Hi-Ho everyone!  My name is Sullivan, but  you can call me Sulli!  I'm an adorable, lovable,  boy and I'm looking for a fun loving family of my very own.  Maybe yours?

I arrived at Newf Friends on November 25 and I am getting all settled into foster care.  I get along great with everyone I meet and I love to play and have fun.  Foster mom says I'm a very good boy in the house, I don't get into trouble and as long as I've had some exercise I am happy to hang out and relax with my family.

I was born on March 20, 2011 so I'm just 20 months old and I have lots of learning to do.  I'm a typical playful puppy and I ended up at Newf Friends after being sold to a family then returned to my breeder, then sold to another family who were very nice but were not able to exercise a young boy like me! The decision was made for me to come to Newf Friends so I can finally find the RIGHT family.  I hope they come along soon, I'm ready to start my new life!

Really I don't need that much exercise, but I do need to be able to burn off some steam!  I'm actually a pretty easy fella and get along great with just a couple nice walks a day, maybe some play time at the dog park. In the video below I'm making friends with some Westies!

There's other dogs at my foster home and I am having fun playing with them.  I'd love a family where I will have someone else to romp and play with!  Sometimes I get super excited and I jump on the other dogs to hump them.  Apparently I'm not supposed to do that and I get told off by the dogs sometimes.  What fun!  Foster mom says I need to work on my manners a bit.  I guess I can give it a try!

I've been to the vet and it was lots of fun.  The vet says I'm a very nice boy and that I'm on the small side for a Newf.  I weigh 108 lbs.  I'm actually kind of out of shape and I need to drop some chub and put on muscle -- that means I need to get out and exercise and I'm game for that!

My hips are kind of sore, especially my right one,  and I am taking medication for that right now.  The vet lady says I have something called dysplasia in both of my hips.  She said it's not the end of the world and that once I get in shape and build up muscles around my hips I will feel a lot better.  Apparently I'm supposed to go swimming a lot and walk up a lot of hills -- I'm going to have buns of steel in no time!  The Newf Friends folks say that once my muscles are better I can start taking less and less meds and hopefully I won't need them again until I'm a lot older.  They mentioned something about Omega 3s and supplements and a bunch of stuff that is supposed to make me feel awesome.  They promise to explain it all to my new family so that I can get healthy and enjoy a long, pain free life.  Yippee!

Pooped after playing!
I have already been neutered and my vaccines are up to date so I'm ready to go!  I'm taking some meds for an ear infection but hopefully that will be all cleaned up in no time.

I'd like a home with not too many stairs, but a couple steps are no big deal.  Right now I'm being fostered in the Mississauga area, my new family will have to pick me up in person. 

The usual adoption donation of $500 will be reduced to $400 to offset the cost of my pain meds for the next little while.

If you think you'd like me to join your family please submit an application to the Newf folks and they will get back to you.

Monday, November 19, 2012

OKC Dog Show


Thank you to everyone who helped out at the Rescue Booth for Willow Afghan Hound Rescue & Newf Friends at the Ottawa Kennel Club Dog show this past weekend.  
A special thanks goes out to Erica from Ferghus & Company for including Newf Friends in this  event and organizing and running the booth.

Sisko is seen here getting some loving
Mira and Sisko take a break from working the crowds