
Friday, March 27, 2015



APR 4: I was adopted!

MAR 31:  A home visit is going out for a potential home for Porter

Happy boy Porter arrived in our care on March 26 and is getting settled in foster care.

Porter was picked up as a stray and spent a month in a municipal pound before being turned over to us.  We estimate his age to be 4-5 years.

Back from the groomer and looking spiffy!

A friendly boy with lots of energy, Porter made fast friends with the other dogs at his foster home.  He sure loves to play!  He could happily join a home with other well socialized dogs to romp and play with.

Porter is a spunky boy who likes people and is very friendly.  After being in a pound for a month he has a lot of energy to burn off.  We expect that he will settle a bit in coming days now that he has an outlet for his energy.  He is in need of some refresher work on basic obedience and manners, and supervision in the kitchen becasue he's a counter cruiser!  Silly boy!


Porter has been checked by our vet and other than needing to put on considerable muscle mass, he is in good shape.  A full wellness blood panel was done and all is well.    He is UTD on vaccines and will be neutered on March 31.

Porter is currently in the Toronto area.  His approved adopters will be required to pick him up in person.  A $500 adoption donation applies.