
Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Fundraiser Wrap-Up

Thank you to everyone who took part in our Spring Fundraiser this past weekend!

Handsome Buster, adopted from Newf Friends, poses so nicely for his photo. Thanks to Sugared Glass Photography for the great picture.
Saturday's event was a great success, bringing in over $1400 for Newf Friends.  Hooray!

A huge thank you goes to Sandy and Jeff and the folks at Dunbarton-Fairport United Church for all of their hard work.   The baked goods, and auction items were a huge hit and everyone had a great time.  Thanks to everyone who helped out by baking, sewing, donating and volunteering at the event.

Thanks to our musicians for providing entertainment

Adorable cupcakes

Newf Cupcake!

Sugared Glass Photography did a super job of taking portraits of some of the visitors. Thanks so much for your help, Angela!

Photo credit: Sugared Glass Photography
Photo credit: Sugared Glass Photography
Photo credit: Sugared Glass Photography
Photo credit: Sugared Glass Photography
Photo credit: Sugared Glass Photography
Photo credit: Sugared Glass Photography
 Thanks for the fun, successful afternoon.  We'll see everyone in June at our next event!

Photo credit: Victoria Schwarzl
Photo credit: Emily Herczeg
Photo credit: Victoria Schwarzl
Photo credit: Victoria Schwarzl
Photo credit: Victoria Schwarzl