
Monday, April 30, 2012

Adopter Update - Inti

A wonderful update from senior lovebug Inti, who was adopted in February 2012. When he  came to the rescue his coat had to be completely shaved due to extreme matting. Look at him now... his big, fluffy coat is growing in beautifully and he's doing GREAT!

Enjoying a toodle around the yard
Relaxing, waiting for pets
Hanging out with his "siblings"

OK, I have pictures of Inti.  YEAHHHHH.  Finally.  He is such a sweetheart and I love him so much.  I was able to get pictures of him walking around outside.  In a couple of them Inti was wanting to help BBQ some hotdogs!!!  


"Any hotdogs for me??"
The other dogs in the pictures are Emily, the Border Collie mix, and Betty the poodle.  Everyone gets along great.  We had a birthday party for Inti April 3rd, his 10th, and all the family celebrated.  

I hope you are doing well.  Inti sends his love and I will send more pictures on a regular basis.

Love to all,

Darling Inti gets along with all the other dogs & cats at his new home

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


April 29: I was adopted!

New arrival Duke entered our foster program on April 12 and is getting settled in his foster home.

This gorgeous brown and white boy came to us along with his "sister" Jasmine when their owners living arrangements changed. (Details about Jasmine will be posted soon!)

Born June 1, 2008 Duke is a young, gentle boy who is playful with other animals. He is a sweet boy who is friendly and social and likes to follow his foster family around.

He grew up in a home with children and could be placed with a family who have dog savvy children.

As we get to know him better we will post more details about his personality and what he is looking for in an adoptive family.

Duke has been neutered, and will be brought UTD on vaccines before adoption. He is in need of dropping considerable weight but with a healthy, grain free, fish based diet and lots of exercise we hope to see the pounds melt off quickly.

Duke is being fostered in the Brooklin, ON area and his adoptive family will be required to pick him up in person. An adoption donation of $500 applies.

If you would like to be considered for adopting him please complete our adoption application to begin the screening process.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Adopter Update: Tycho

chillax'n on my pad
We received this message from Tycho's new family just a few days after his Easter weekend adoption:

Tycho Candy is doing GREAT!!!!  He is adjusting well to his new home, and is the most loving slobber-chops ever.  He's enjoying his new family and getting to know his new neighbourhood through several long walks per day.  We are all so happy together, and although he looks at other dogs as we walk-by (and would run toward them if given half a chance) he never growls or barks nor makes a fuss.  Tycho is perfect in the house, with excellent manners... and we're teaching him a few new ones too - eager and learning quickly.  Thank you from Tycho and his humans for making our perfect match "made in heaven" this Easter.  We will send a couple of photos after Tycho's first visit to the groomer on Tuesday.

ah ya, that's the spot

Mr. Slobber Chops goes for a walk

And a few weeks later, another update:

Tycho is wonderful...grooming, well that was just going to be too stressful for him so I did it myself - great bonding time

look'n cute in daddy's music room
Ty is a quick learner, he has excellent table manners when we are eating, waits politely for his food and only begins to eat when we tell him to take it, sits when requested for leashing, treats, fact he's knows how to "leave it" for things he is not to have and applies it to squirrels, cats, and now dogs.  Teaching him to play was hysterical - killing ourselves laughing; sad to think that he never knew what playing was before coming home with us.  Suffice it to say we now have a fifth for Frisbee.  This week Ty has been working really hard on manners when strangers come to the door - today he stopped barking, backed up, sat down and stayed while I opened the door to let our guest in and then waited until our guest engaged him in a  body rub...tail a wagg'n.  We are very proud of our big, slobbery, cuddly, furry love muffin - he is a treat to train.

happy at home with my peeps
what?...  you found me already?

We've been using the "loved dog" method: 30 Days To A Well-Mannered Dog by Tamar Geller - if you can get past the celebrity name dropping, it's actually a good book and have found it to be spot on; we are achieving terrific results with it.

Tycho has adjusted well, settled into home life/routine beautifully, and is developing more confidence.  I've attached some photos we've taken of Tycho this week.  He is so loved!  Thanks again for helping us find the love of our lives.

Cheers and woof from the Candy Family

Editor's note: This update is particularly thrilling for us because Tycho came to Newf Friends in terrible condition in September 2011 and was in foster care for many, many months healing both physically and emotionally. To see him now with a loving family is amazing and reminds us all why our rescue exists. Read his rescue story here.

Update: April 18, 2012

What a week! We've got lots of exciting things happening at Newf Friends!

Pretty girl Jasmine arrived in our care and is getting settled in her foster home. This affectionate 5 year old gal is looking for a home where she will be the only dog. Learn all about her here.

Handsome love-bug Duke is also a new arrival and already has a home visit set to assess a potential home for him. Paws crossed it's a good fit! You can read about Duke here.

Pretty young girl Valerie is still searching for a home. Val is a 2 1/2 year old girl who is friendly, social, loves people, and is great with kids. Read about her here.

16 month old Astrid is ready to be adopted! This goofy and lovable girl is friendly, loves to be hugged and petted and is great with other dogs! What a good girl! Check out her bio to learn more about this precious girl.

New arrival Dakota is doing well in foster care. We have a home visit going out for a potential home for her. Read about her here.

Playful fella' Dozer is also doing great and recovering from his neuter surgery. A home visit is going out for a potential home for him too! Read his bio to learn more about him.

After months in foster care and rehab, gorgeous gal River is ready to find a great home and we think we've found THE ONE! A home visit is being scheduled! You can read about River on her bio page.

If you or someone you know is looking for a new canine family member that isn't a Newf, be sure to visit HART, our parent all breed rescue group's PetFinder listings. They've got wonderful dogs of all shapes and sizes, coats and ages who are waiting for great families to adopt them.

Hotel space for NewfStock 2012 is filling up quickly! Check out our NewfStock Blog for accommodation details and get your room booked right away!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Adopter Update: Marvin

An update from goofy boy Marvin, who was adopted in March 2012:

Hanging at his new home, check out "his lake" in the background!

Hi folks!

Marvin's doing fantastically.  I'm off for about 3 months so it works out great. He's out practically all day with Lily running around, tracking, chasing, but never catching chipmunks.  The two of them almost had a couple of rabbits with Lily stalking them like a friggin cat, and of course Marvin making the not so stealthy move to "pounce".  It was too funny!!!

Nom, nom... chewing on my bone
He's been in the lake quite a bit, but right now seems to come out dirtier than when he went in.... he follows Lily everywhere, does everything she does. He just loves giving her kisses, he just walks up to her and licks the side of her face..... so cute!!!! It's too funny when he's getting in trouble, he barks and moans (just like a teenager talking back), it's hilarious... you just have to remember not to laugh at him because he's learning a lesson. He's just a GREAT dog!!!

Marvin and his "sister" Lily

I've sent a few pictures from a few weeks ago.  I'll send you some of him "fishing" with Lily, right now it's Snapping Turtle mating season so the dogs can't go in ... not with 2 foot snappers all over our shore line....

Thanks again for such a wonderful boy!!

Kelly and family

Monday, April 16, 2012



September 18, 2012: Jasmine has an approved family and will be joining them next week.

Hi folks! My name is Jasmine and I'm looking for a great new family. I came to the Newfie folk on April 12 with my brother Duke after our owner's living arrangement changed.
Check out my cute little tongue sticking out

Hmmmm, let's see, what can I tell you about myself? I was born on January 12, 2007 so that makes me 5 years old. I'm spayed, weigh 100 lbs and am up to date on my vaccines. I love people and am very affectionate and happy. I love snuggles and leaning right into my peeps. I listen extremely well and know lots of commands. I know sit, down, come, wait, stay and I walk perfect on leash. I don't pull in the slightest, I just walk calmly right beside. I'm told this is a very desirable skill for a big dog to have!

In the house I am really calm, preferring to lounge around and nap throughout the day. I would prefer to join a house where someone is home most of the day because I can get anxious when left alone. I don't wreck anything, I just bark for a bit then settle down. I guess I just really like to be with my people; laying at their feet being an awesome foot warmer, helping them cook, playing.... you know... regular dog stuff. I did live with children previously so could join a family with dog savvy kids.

One thing important to know about me... even though I lived with my brother Duke I'd prefer to be the only animal in a household because I need work on interacting with new/other dogs (though I could live with a mellow non-dominant male dog). In foster care I am learning how to greet other dogs nicely while on walks and so far I'm doing pretty good though I do need verbal corrections at times to keep me focused. My foster Mom says I'm not terrible, I just need to be reminded that my handler is the one in control, not me. I don't always know how to react to new dogs so the dog park is too overwhelming for me - I'd prefer to get my exercise by taking long leashed walks or playing in the yard with my family. I'm not a total lunatic. I just need an experienced owner to take the time to work with me by showing me the proper behaviour and then practice, practice, practice... makes perfect. As I said, I do listen REALLY well and love people. Foster Mom says this makes me easy to work with. I guess, all I know is I love when she tells me I'm a good girl. Music to my ears!!

Check me out playing and having a blast with my foster Dad. Look how happy I am, that toy is awesome! My exercise needs are minimal as I'm not a young pup but a calm middle aged lady. I love to zoom around outside in the yard, acting silly, then I'm happy as a clam to lay around inside snoozing. A perfect companion!

Sitting pretty
Jasmine on intake before many hours of grooming
So if you're looking for an obedient, friendly, trained big beautiful Newfie girl to chill with, I could be just the gal for you. Newfie folk said they would like a dog experienced person to adopt me so I could continue to work on my doggie skills. Also, I chase cats, thought I should mention that. :oP

Jasmine is being fostered in the Lindsay, ON area and her adoptive family will be required to pick her up in person. An adoption donation of $500 applies.

If you would like to be considered for adopting her please complete our adoption application to begin the screening process.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Update: April 10, 2012

Here's the latest happenings from Newf Friends Newfoundland Dog rescue.....

Drum roll please...........Tycho has been adopted! Ty found a fabulous family and everything is going great! We're so very happy for you Tycho!

New arrival Dakota is settling into foster care and doing well. Read about her here.

Another new arrival, sweet fella' Dozer is also getting settled in foster care and will be neutered this Thursday. Read his bio to learn more about him.

After months in foster care and rehab, gorgeous gal River is ready to find a great home! She is all healed up and doing great! River is a happy, playful, energetic girl who is ready to start her new life. She is a total love bug, gets along with everyone both two and four legged. She is excellent with children, including toddlers, and is an all around fabulous girl! You can read about River on her bio page.

16 month old Astrid is ready to be adopted! Her follow-up xrays were good and her vet care is now complete. This lovable girl is friendly, loves to be hugged and petted and is great with other dogs! What a good girl! Check out her bio to learn more about this precious girl.

Sweet girl Valerie is still searching for a home because her adoption fell through. Val is friendly, social, loves people, and is great with kids. She is looking for a home with no other pets. Read about her here.

Fun loving and affectionate boy Jack has been adopted. Congratulations Jack!

If you or someone you know is looking for a new canine family member that isn't a Newf, be sure to visit HART, our parent all breed rescue group's PetFinder listings. They've got wonderful dogs of all shapes and sizes, coats and ages who are waiting for great families to adopt them.

Hotel space for NewfStock 2012 is filling up quickly! Check out our NewfStock Blog for accommodation details and get your room booked right away!

Monday, April 9, 2012

All About Pets Show

Newf Friends volunteers were busy as ever at the All About Pets Show on April 6 and as usual the Newfs drew lots of attention and were a crowd favourite. Volunteers shared info about the Newf breed and our rescue work and everyone had a great time!

The day was a huge success thanks to the hard work of our volunteers, both two and four footed! Our pack of volunteer Newfs were sporting their donation vests and working the crowds collecting much needed funds for the rescue.

Thank you to our volunteers Allison, Patti, Robyn, Deanna, Bryan, Tami and Angela, and of course the dogs who helped raise funds, Mimi, Moosh, Sox, Pistol, Otis and Trudy the hound! All of the Newfs were on their best behaviour and were wonderful ambassadors for the breed! Way to go everyone!

The Newf Friends/HART booth had all sorts of items for sale in support of both rescues. Newf Friends is a division of HART, an All Breed rescue group. Thank you to Animal Alliance/Project Jessie for giving us booth space once again!

Otis, adopted from Newf Friends last year, was a crowd pleaser! Look at that face!

Fund raising is exhausting work! Time for a belly rub and a nap!

Mimi, adopted from Newf Friends in 2010, was working the crowds collecting donations and getting lots of loving!

Trudy was there representing HART's All Breed division and working hard to raise lots of funds. Look at the donations she collected for HART! Way to go Trudy, what a good girl!

Mimi and Otis loving all of the attention!