
Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Fundraiser Wrap-Up

Thank you to everyone who took part in our Spring Fundraiser this past weekend!

Handsome Buster, adopted from Newf Friends, poses so nicely for his photo. Thanks to Sugared Glass Photography for the great picture.
Saturday's event was a great success, bringing in over $1400 for Newf Friends.  Hooray!

A huge thank you goes to Sandy and Jeff and the folks at Dunbarton-Fairport United Church for all of their hard work.   The baked goods, and auction items were a huge hit and everyone had a great time.  Thanks to everyone who helped out by baking, sewing, donating and volunteering at the event.

Thanks to our musicians for providing entertainment

Adorable cupcakes

Newf Cupcake!

Sugared Glass Photography did a super job of taking portraits of some of the visitors. Thanks so much for your help, Angela!

Photo credit: Sugared Glass Photography
Photo credit: Sugared Glass Photography
Photo credit: Sugared Glass Photography
Photo credit: Sugared Glass Photography
Photo credit: Sugared Glass Photography
Photo credit: Sugared Glass Photography
 Thanks for the fun, successful afternoon.  We'll see everyone in June at our next event!

Photo credit: Victoria Schwarzl
Photo credit: Emily Herczeg
Photo credit: Victoria Schwarzl
Photo credit: Victoria Schwarzl
Photo credit: Victoria Schwarzl

Friday, March 27, 2015



APR 4: I was adopted!

MAR 31:  A home visit is going out for a potential home for Porter

Happy boy Porter arrived in our care on March 26 and is getting settled in foster care.

Porter was picked up as a stray and spent a month in a municipal pound before being turned over to us.  We estimate his age to be 4-5 years.

Back from the groomer and looking spiffy!

A friendly boy with lots of energy, Porter made fast friends with the other dogs at his foster home.  He sure loves to play!  He could happily join a home with other well socialized dogs to romp and play with.

Porter is a spunky boy who likes people and is very friendly.  After being in a pound for a month he has a lot of energy to burn off.  We expect that he will settle a bit in coming days now that he has an outlet for his energy.  He is in need of some refresher work on basic obedience and manners, and supervision in the kitchen becasue he's a counter cruiser!  Silly boy!


Porter has been checked by our vet and other than needing to put on considerable muscle mass, he is in good shape.  A full wellness blood panel was done and all is well.    He is UTD on vaccines and will be neutered on March 31.

Porter is currently in the Toronto area.  His approved adopters will be required to pick him up in person.  A $500 adoption donation applies.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015



May 6, 2016
Wilbur's loving foster family held him in their arms and said a sad goodbye.  Run free sweet boy.  

Update:  April 2016
Wilbur's health continues to deteriorate and he is now in our sanctuary care program -- he will live out his remaining days in the care of his loving foster home.

All About Wilbur
Wilbur is searching for a loving family to enjoy his senior years with - born in 2007 he is 9 years old and is playful and goofy!  Prior to coming to Newf Friends, this sweet boy had been living in a kennel for several years. He adjusted to life in a loving foster home quickly and has never looked back!

Wilbur loves people and wants nothing more than to have a family of his own who will cherish him and give him all of the attention and care he deserves.

He arrived in our care in March 17/15 and is still waiting for the right family to come along.  Sweetie-pie Wilbur was in need of some TLC when he arrived.   Underweight, badly matted, suffering from ear infections and sores on his skin, Wilbur is now all healed and doing great!

Wilbur is a friendly, affectionate boy who would thrive in an environment where he could enjoy leisurely walks with his family and get loads of love and attention.

His house manners are good.  Leash manners are coming along very well.  He used to get very excited when he saw other dogs and would pull to go see them to play, but his foster family enrolled him in obedience class and now he is doing great! Look at him sitting wonderfully with all of the other dogs around! Good boy Wilbur!


Health wise Wilbur has a few issues but is overall able to get around well, is playful and spunky.  Wilbur lacks muscle and has significant hind end muscle wasting and drags his back feet.   He is able to get around without issues and is coping well and at this point does not require medication. Down the road his mobility may be reduced so a home where there are not a lot of stairs for him to access his backyard would be best.

He has an arrhythmia and we have him under the care of a board certified cardiologist.  Tests show that he has atrial fibrillation which has reduced his heart efficiency by 10-15%.  There is no underlying heart condition causing the AF, so that is very good news.  The cardiologist feels that he will not be terribly compromised by this, but he should not engage in very strenuous activities.  He takes a very affordable heart medication to prevent his heart rate from going too high, the intention of this med is to prevent the development of future heart conditions.  Wilbur is doing very well with this management plan and his most recent cardiologist check-up went very well.   Due to his heart condition we will not be neutering Wilbur,  he will placed with a non-breeding contract in place.

Wilbur gets along well with small dogs and could happily join a home with a small or medium sized dog.  He has shown interest in chasing cats when outdoors so a home with a very dog savvy cat, or no cats would be good.  We are told that he did happily live with a cat many years ago, but his foster home does not have a cat.

With large female dogs and he has been playful and friendly, a little too friendly!  He will mount other large dogs and does not pay much attention to them telling him to get off of them.  (Oh, Wilbur!) This behaviour is annoying to most dogs, so Wilbur might not be ideal in a home with other large dogs.  Having said that, he could  join a family with a well mannered female who would be tolerant of his mounting behaviour while his family worked to correct the behaviour.  It would just really need to be the right dog and his owners would need to work hard to correct the mounting. Wilbur has made a lot of progress with this, but living in a foster home where he is the only pet means there are not a ton of opportunities to resolve the behaviour.

We have tested him with male dogs and he is most interested in playing, but again does engage in mounting behaviour which most males will not tolerate.    Because of this behaviour he is not suited to a home with another large or giant breed male, or for going to dog parks where he will be off lead around dogs that are unknown to him.  He does well going for group walks on lead though, so don't let that discourage you!  Here he is hanging out with a bunch of other dogs at his obedience class.

Wilbur is being fostered in Mississauga ON and his approved adopters will be required to pick him up in person.  Because he has some special needs we are expanding our placement area and will consider applications from families within a 10 hour radius of his foster home which includes parts of Ontario, Quebec, and neighbouring States including NY, PA, OH, NJ, VT and more.

Because Wilbur is a senior and has some health issues we are waiving our regular adoption donation and ask instead for a donation of his adoptive family's choice.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

100 Gift Cards in 100 Days!

It wouldn't be March Break without Ty and Riley coming up with another fabulous idea to help Newf Friends and HART!

Carrying on their annual tradition, this year, 10 year old Ty and his 8 year old brother Riley have once again organized a super fundraiser -- over the next 100 days they hope to collect 100 pet related gift cards for Newf Friends and HART!

Why gift cards this year?  Gift cards to pet supply stores enable our foster families to pick up the supplies that they need to care for their fosters.   Some examples of items that foster families go through a lot of: leashes, collars, dog beds, toys, grooming sprays and supplies, and more.  When pups come into foster care we need  puppy pads, dishes and puppy pens.  Sometimes new fosters need to be set up with basic fostering supplies like crates, grooming tools, puppy gates and more.  And one thing we use a lot of are grooming services -- although we try hard to do most of our own grooming, many of the Newfs who come into our care are in need of professional grooming when they first arrive.

The great thing about gift cards is we can mail them out to our foster families across Ontario as needed so they can get the supplies they need quickly without great expense for us to ship the items to them.

If you would like to donate a gift-card to Ty and Riley's fundraiser there are a few ways you can do that:

Online gift cards can be emailed to
You can snail mail gift cards to Newf Friends PO Box 1139 Bancroft, ON K0L 1C0
Or you can  email us to find out where to drop off your donation or meet up with a volunteer.
Gifts cards to large chains operating in Ontario are ideal because most of our foster families will be able to use them.  Having said that, we'd love gift cards to smaller independent stores too if they are in an area where we have several foster families.  Our busiest foster areas are: Mississauga, Brantford, Guelph, and Kanata.

Monday, March 16, 2015



UPDATE: January 30, 2016:  Roly has been adopted!
Gentle, friendly and sweet as can be, Roly is a lovable boy who is looking for a fabulous family to call his own.  He is a well mannered, quiet boy who loves to be around people and will make a great addition to one lucky family.
This loving 6 year old boy came to us through no fault of his own when his owners decided to move to a condo.

Roly is playful around children and could join a family with older kids -- he can be a little too boisterous at times so is not suited to a home with young children.  Pictured below is Roly laying close by the kids in his foster home as they read.  Awwwww.

On intake Roly weighed a very unhealthy 185 lbs but thanks to the hard work of his foster family he has dropped 50 lbs and is at a healthy weight!  WAY TO GO ROLY!

Roly is taking thyroid medication, eats a special diet for allergies, and takes some supplements and oral medication to prevent skin issues. He will need to be on this regimen for life.  While in foster care Roly experienced a life threatening antibiotic infection and was under treatment for many months.  He is healthy now, but it is important that he follow strict dietary restrictions to prevent allergic reactions.

Despite his previous weight issues, his joint health is fairly good -- lucky for him! He loves to play soccer and is a happy boy.  As the pounds melted off Roly and we got his thyroid dysfunction under control a new dog emerged and Roly really came to life.  He went form being a couch potato to being a happy, mischievous, playful boy!  So happy for him!

Born on March 19, 2009 he is just 6 years young.  Roly is pictured below on intake March 15.Unfortunately, due to excessive matting right down to his skin we could not save his coat and he had to be shaved. His coat is now kept short to help monitor his skin.

 Roly lives with another dog in his foster home and is gentle with other dogs and could join a family with another four footed companion, or he would be equally happy to be the only dog.

He met some cats in his foster home and is a little frightened by them, but totally gentle.  Such a sweet boy! 

Roly is being fostered in the Brantford area and his approved adopters will be required to pick him up in person.  Because Roly requires certain medications and special food our usual adoption donation of $500 has been waived and instead we are asking for a donation of his approved adopters choice.