Ariel is great! Ariel has 2 best friends here at our place. Marley, as you know, is our black goldendoodle. Roxy is a delightful 4 year old golden retriever who recently came to live with us when her owner could no longer keep her. Ariel and Roxy NEVER stop playing. They are incredibly active dogs and both like to swim like fish ... so they are ALWAYS in the river. At least they stay out of the pond now!!! Marley is a bit of a couch potatoe and would rather watch the others tumble about from his couch! You would never know Ariel has the health issues that we know she has. She has yet to display any symptoms of her kidney disease and she runs like the wind so her hips and elbows don't seem to be a problem for her at this point. We will know more in December when she is seen by the vet, but so far I am pleased that she seems to be doing so well. I have grown to love Ariel deeply (I was afraid of that) but I know she is happy and will love her for as long as we have her. She is a clown and a bit of a clutz, but as affectionate and loving as they come! I finally have some pictures for you. My daughter is responsible for the bows in Ariel's hair ... not me!
All the best ...