Ralphie was neutered yesterday and is doing well. Murphy was scheduled to be neutered, but we called off the surgery after learning that he may have issues with his heart. We are having him referred to a cardiologist for assessment and will be making an action pan for his treatment once we have a diagnosis.

Visit our "Available Dogs" listings to the right to learn more about Murphy and Ralphie.

Foster Homes are needed in south/central/eastern Ontario. If you have considered fostering, now is an excellent time to apply.
Isabel is still searching for her forever home. This beauty has so much love to give, and will make one lucky family very happy. She is a delightful, playful gal, that loves affection. Isabel is an absolute pleasure! Click the Available Dogs link to the right to learn more about her.

Newfstock, the Huge 2010 Newf Gathering in Bancroft is fast approaching! Book your hotel room now to avoid disappointment!
Vendors who would like to set up a booth at this event are invited to contact us for more information.
Artists! Those of you who are participating in our 2011 Fine Art Calendar Project, we will be sending out updatessoon. Some photos of the works in progress have been emailed to us, and this project is shaping up to be phenomenal! We will need your completed original art by March, and hope to have all of the bios up on our website very soon. It's time to start thinking about what info you would like included in your bio!
There is still time to be included in this one of a kind project. If you are an artist and would like to get involved, send us an email for details.
Homes are confirmed for all of Isabel's pups. They will be joining their new families shortly.