Sisko #4188
Nov 11: Sisko was adopted!
Congratulations sweet boy!
Hello everyone! My name is Sisko and I'm a handsome, friendly, well mannered fella who is looking for a nice quiet family to call my own. I arrived at Newf Friends on September 3rd and I'm having so much fun!
Congratulations sweet boy!
Hello everyone! My name is Sisko and I'm a handsome, friendly, well mannered fella who is looking for a nice quiet family to call my own. I arrived at Newf Friends on September 3rd and I'm having so much fun!
I get along well with other animals and there's lots of them coming and going at my foster home. I love to run and play with all of my new friends. I'd be happy to join a family where I would have another well socialized 4 footed companion to cuddle with. Big dogs, little dogs, cats, whatever! I love them all! I'm easy going and mellow, I get along with pretty much everyone. My foster mom says I'm awesome! Although I love to gallop and play when outdoors, I am relaxed in the house and will happily flake out on my bed with my favourite toy (also known as my 'baby'). Squeaky balls delight me! I thoroughly enjoy running after them and then letting you run after me to get them back... heh, heh, heh!
I went to see the vet and had tests done on some lumps and bumps and the news was all good, there's nothing for me to worry about! Phew! I had surgery to remove a sore growth on my face and am healing up nicely since then.
My foster home is in the Ottawa area. If you think you'd like me to join your family please fill out an application and send it to the Newf people. Since I'm a mature newf the usual adoption donation of $500 will be reduced to $400.