What a weekend! NewfStock 2010 was a HUGE success! Thank you to everyone who came out and supported us -- the day brought in over $20,000 and generated much revenue for area businesses as well.

All of the activities on each of the three days were well attended - and the main event on Saturday was extraordinary. There were about
100 Newfs in attendance, plus 50 or more dogs of other breeds, and several hundred people. Millennium Park was bursting at the seams with
Gentle Giants, and the Newf community really did us proud by showing what phenomenal dogs these are. Our phone has been ringing off the hook today congratulating us on a successful event, and everyone is commenting on how WONDERFUL Newfies are, how gentle and sweet natured they are and of course, how much they drool!

Bancroft was a flurry of activity with Newf lovers out and about shopping and taking in the area sights on the days leading up to and following the main event. Starting on Wednesday we were hearing reports of sightings of large groups of Newfs cruising around town turning heads and creating a real bustle. Bancroft welcomed them with friendly smiles and there were lots of pats on the head and belly rubs for all of the Newfs in attendance.
A few highlights of the day included awards for the following categories:
Oldest Newf Award: Hannibal's Christmas Belle, 12 years, 9 months old.
Person who brought in the most pledges: Sandy Mulheren of New Jersey with over $2000 in pledges. Thank you Sandy and Vanessa, you two are great!
Anne McNamara of Sudbury was a very close second with her pledge collections, thanks a million for all you do Anne, and your awesome hubby Paul!
Thank you to everyone who collected and donated pledges, every dollar helps and will make a difference in the life of a Newf in need.
Pictured here is Vanessa walking Nanook and Sandy walking Pooka at the end of the parade.
Person who traveled the farthest to attend: Christine Hutton from England. Thanks Chris for bringing raffle items from the Newf Rescue division across the pond. Other people who travelled a great distance were EmmieLou and her Husband Ron from Florida; I heard there was someone who flew in from Alaska; 'Nessa and Sandy from New Jersey; Sylvia and Mary from Connecticut; Kim and Yvan came in from Quebec; and of course Chumley and his peeps from Pennsylvania.

The live
auction of original pieces of Newf themed art was a big hit. Successful bidders left the event with stunning one of a kind pieces of art. Thank you once again to all of the artists who donated pieces for the auction: Elizabeth Quandt, Susan Davies, Barb Dickson, Barbara Westfall, Annamarie Johnson, Cindy Williams, Jim Rodgers, Sandra Nicholson, Melody Hill, Bruce Warden, Rita Lo, Nancy Gasser. Thanks also to Mac and Mo McKinnon for donating a beautiful stained glass piece for auction as well as
Fetch & Throws for donating a custom throw for auction.
HART's amazing All Breed Dog Show was also a big hit, and their huge
Growlers for a Grand raffle was a great success. The winners of the draw were:
Ruth Anne McIlmayl Pickering, On 1st prize
D King L'Amable, On 2nd prize $300.00
Francis Melly Oshawa, On 3rd prize $200.00
Congratulations winners!

The list of people to thank is tremendous:
Thank you to HART, our parent organization, for all you do.

Thanks to all of the
participants who collected pledges, our donors and sponsors, and supporters who came out and made this day what it was.
Newf Head cake donated by volunteers from SOS Newf Rescue in Quebec.

Thank you to all of the
volunteers who worked so hard to pull this event together. This event took months of planning and preparation, countless hours of volunteer time, and a lot of hard work. Our core group of
Newf Friends volunteers and their spouses, friends and family helped out at our event, donated raffle items, raised funds, and worked so hard to make this event a great day. Thank you Kaila, Allison, Jen, Anne, Paul, Celine, Susan, Erica, Sharon, Patti, Jim R., Jillian, Ben, Sandy, Jeff, Tina, Peter, Mac, Moe, Kim, Yvan, Zeljka, Bruce, Bryson, Joanna, Wayne, Raph, Scott, Steve, Jim D, Louise, Glenn, Mike and
HART's hardworking group Beryl & Herbie, Dorothy, Linda, Dave, Brenda,Lianna, Ayden, Kyla, Anna,Velma,Marilyn, Wanda, Marlaina,Deb L.,Deb T.,Deb M.,Lynn, Moryah, Raven,Heather,Ben & Elfie, John, Judy, Carol B, Kim C., Joan C, Dave N., Susan, Cindy.
Demos and seminars were offered by the following volunteers:
Sylvia Delson and Mary Bylone who came up from Connecticut and offered Pampered Pooch Nail Clipping and Ears

Jillian Pinder and Maayan Kasimov - from Toronto - Reiki and Craniosacral Therapy Booth

Paul McGee from Sudbury, our Auctioneer

Joan Fisher and Judi Walton - from Ottawa - grooming demo and carting demo

Much thanks to Henry Christiansen, Ross Jackson, Drew Hosick, Steven Griffin, and the
Bancroft Photography Club for doing our
photo shoots. Photos from the shoot will be featured in the
2012 calendar and will be
available online for purchase in coming weeks.

A big round of applause to the
musicians Donna Leclair and Friends as well as
Mike Leveck and Tara Band for donating their time to provide entertainment throughout the day, keeping everyone's toes tapping. All of the music was fantastic and a perfect backdrop for the day.

MCs Jim Eadie and Steve Scally both did a fabulous job of running the day and keeping everyone entertained. Thanks to both of you!

Thanks to everyone who helped out at
HART's main booth, including:
Meryl Hall - face painting

Sparky the pig

Jenn Bishop ,"Inner Wolf Canine Services" Bancroft

And the Vendors:

Heather King, "The Mutt Hut" from Wilberforce
Anna Simard/Artist, Apsley Hand Wrought Silver Jewellery and "Doggie Bling"
Levi Caya/Artist, Apsley "Wood Spirit Carver"

Greg Wood/Artist, Apsley "Petroglyphs Carved in Stone"
Chris Gillick, "A Cut Above"/Maple Leaf, baked HART's "pupcake"

Thanks also to the
Town of Bancroft for the use of beautiful Millennium Park; area
camp grounds where many of the attendees stayed; and of course to the
Sword Motor Inn for welcoming close to 100 Newfs with open arms.

So many people and businesses donated goods for the raffle.
Thank you, each of you. Some of the businesses that helped out:
Grand Design - handled online registration, online pledges and more
Pinderama Design - creation of our banner/promotional material; donated toys
Three Pound Universe - posters and calendar layout
Ferghus & Company - donating all of the free gifts for every rescue dog that comes to NewfStock!
Pooch Parlor - in Greenville, Ohio has donated DVDs on how to groom your Newfoundland. These were available for purchase at the event, and will be part of our online sale pages. We will also be giving a copy to Newf adopters as part of their adoption package thanks to Jeannie's generosity.
Big Bang Direct Impact in Markham for coming through for us at the last minute with an important print job. Thank you!
West Wind Gallery & Gifts, Bancroft, ON - for their donation of raffle items and prizes.
The Leprechaun - Sudbury, Ontario - for their donation of raffle items and prizes
March Road Pet Food & Grooming 1112 March Rd. Kanata ON K2W 1B9 for their generous prize donations.
Canadian Tire - Sudbury, ON - for their donation of paper products and more
Global Pet Foods - 600 Grandview Street South, Oshawa, ON L1H 8P4 (905) 245-0247 for their donation of raffle items