Dear Newf Friends,
My name is Crystal Parsons, I am a Newfoundlander who has been involved for a few years now with the Commemoration of Beaumont-Hamel ceremony which is marked every July 1 in Ottawa at the National War Memorial.
Last year, after I layed the wreath, I recall looking at the crowds from the steps of the War Memorial and remarking to myself "Goodness! Look at all the Newfoundland dogs! I wonder where they all came from?!"
Imagine my surprise when a co-worker told me just recently about your group and that there was a posting on your blog encouraging Newfoundland dog owners to bring their dogs to the War Memorial! The post was correct indeed - the crowds are thrilled to see the dogs and we welcome everyone - four-footed or two!
I wanted to let you know that there is one error though - this year the ceremony starts at 8:30! Below are the details and itinerary for our event this year - please pass it along to your members as we would love to see as many people in attendance as possible!
It's a very special ceremony this year as we mark the 95th anniversary of Beaumont-Hamel. You may also be interested to know that for the first time in our nation's history, soldiers from the Royal Newfoundland Regiment will stand guard over the Memorial for the full day on Canada Day.
Thanks for helping to spread the word about this very important commemorative event!
Best wishes,
Crystal Parsons
Please join us for this deeply important event to commemorate all Newfoundlanders and Labradoreans who fought at Beaumont-Hamel (France) in 1916.
July 1st, 2011
The National War Memorial (Cenotaph)
Corner of Wellington and Elgin, Ottawa, Ontario
Starts at 8:30 a.m. sharp (rain or shine)
Guests to arrive starting 8:00 a.m.
Join us for an historic ceremony as soldiers from the Royal Newfoundland Regiment stand in honour at the Cenotaph for the 24 hour period during Canada Day. The Lake Academy Choir, Fortune and Atlantic Voices Choir, Ottawa will lead the Ode to Newfoundland (see below).
Ensure the tradition continues. Please circulate this message to others; all are welcome!
The Ceremony
08:30 At the signal of the Master of Ceremonies, Sergeant Andrew Moore, Air Command Pipes and Drums will play a musical interlude to call the ceremony to attention.
8:32 God Save The Queen performed by a band of the Canadian Forces and accompanied by the Atlantic Voices Choir and the Lake Academy Choir.
8:35 The Last Post performed by the Canadian Forces Bugler.
8:37 Moment of Silence will be observed.
8:38 The Rouse performed by the Canadian Forces Bugler.
8:39 The Lament performed by Sergeant Andrew Moore, Air Command Pipes and Drums.
8:41 Act of Remembrance will be read in English and French
8:42 Act of Remembrance will be read in Innu language by The Honourable Peter Penashue, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs.
8:43 Offering of prayers.
8:45 Reading of Loyola Hearn’s poem, Only One Tree.
8:47 Wreath laying.
8:51 Ode to Newfoundland performed by the Lake Academy Choir and the Atlantic Voices Choir, accompanied by a band of the Canadian Forces.
8:54 Master of Ceremonies will announce the formal ending of the ceremony
8:55 O Canada performed by a band of the Canadian Forces and accompanied by The Atlantic Voices Choir and The Lake Academy Choir.
Ode to Newfoundland
Written by Sir Cavendish Boyle (1849-1916)
Music composed by Sir C. Hubert Parry (1848-1918)
When sun-rays crown thy pine-clad hills,
And summer spreads her hand,
When silvern voices tune thy rills,
We love thee, smiling land,
We love thee, we love thee,
We love thee smiling land.
When spreads thy cloak of shimm'ring white,
At winter's stern command,
Thro' shortened day and star-lit night,
We love thee, frozen land,
We love thee, we love thee,
We love thee, frozen land.
When blinding storm gust fret thy shore,
And wild waves lash thy strand,
Thro'sprindrift swirl and tempest roar,
We love thee, we love thee
We love thee, wind swept land.
As loved our fathers, so we love,
Where once they stood we stand,
Their prayer we raise to heaven above,
God guard thee, Newfoundland,
God guard thee, God guard thee,
Good guard thee, Newfoundland.