Buddy, Hudson and Misty are all still waiting for their forever famiies to come along. They are all wonderful dogs and will make some very special families so happy when they are adopted.

Hera and her pups are doing very well also. She is an excellent mom, taking exceptional care of her brood.

We have added an Updates from Adopters section to our blog (on the right hand side) and in the coming weeks we will be working our way through updates that have been sent to us and adding them to the list. Now is a great time to send a recent update about your adopted newf! Don't forget to include a few web-size images for us to post as well!
Our final print run of our 2010 calendar is at the printer right now. All outstanding orders will be filled on Monday, and anyone wanting to get a calendar ordered in time for Christmas should do so with in the next few days. These beautiful calendars make a great holiday gift, and 100 % of the proceeds go to help Newfs in need!